Sunday, June 20, 2010

Getting My Hair Did

So, I’m not the biggest fan of washing and straightening my hair. One of the enticements of Asia is that they’ll do both, and they’ll do it fast and cheap. Yes I’m still talking about hair… Anyhow, I went off exploring through the alleyways near where we live for a place to get my hair done because a certain someone said if I went to a place off the main road, it would be cheaper.

I found a place- small, not too creepy, it’d be fine. I held up my notebook in which Justin had written hair wash and straighten in Vietnamese. She nodded. I asked her how much. As she was figuring out how to tell me the price, I looked around. I then noticed another client. Some of the staff was busy helping her… by picking lice out of her hair… I quickly backed out of there as I heard the lady telling me “two U.S. dolla”, while holding up 4 fingers. Hecks to the no am I getting my hair washed there! I then went to the main road and paid $4.00 for a wash and a straighten at a clean, well lit, hopefully lice free shop!


  1. Does this post come with a picture?

  2. Dang! I didn't get a pic for this one, but I'll see if I can get one and put it up:)

  3. That is just too funny. I wouldn't stay in the lice infested salon either but I can just picture you high-tailing it out of there and it makes me laugh. Love you. Have a great trip.

  4. I would have booked it out of there as well!
